
I’m selling my 1984 grand wagoneer. It’s a solid project with no rust on the body, with light surface rust on the frame. Has 360 amc. It ran before it was parked, I drove it for 4 months parked it because I was battling vapor lock and figured I would just knock all of the problems out at once. CONS: previous owner stripped one of the bolts for the factory fuel pump, I bypassed with an electrical pump. Can be fixed with a tap and die set. The hood roof and right side of vehicle has hail damage. Head liner is out and could use a new one. Has an electrical issue from the extra lights the previous owner installed. Carburetor is junk.hood latch or cable needs fixed, have to open hood with screw driver. PROS: body is rust free, little surface rust on frame, good motor , good transmission, 4×4 worked when I drove it, Electric front seats (not original) from previous owner, new fan clutch, thermostat, plugs, wires, distributor cap. Previous owner installed second fuel tank. I have plenty of pi
