About Us

JeepingNation is a marketing platform created by Jeepers that focuses on providing real VALUE to our members along with a comprehensive offering of RESOURCES for all Jeep owners and adventure enthusiasts.
“The HUB for Today’s Jeep Community”
Membership to JeepingNation is FREE and will always be FREE. This community offers a dynamic learning and networking experience that is engaging, rewarding, and informational. Plus, we focus on added-value, discounts, and rewards, for our members, Jeep clubs, and partners.
In addition, JeepingNation has assembled a massive network of over 350 brands/stores that offer attractive commissions for online PURCHASES that JeepingNation will pass onto your favorite Jeep Club or selected Charity. Simple – Unique – Value.

“A Community For All Jeep Enthusiasts”
JeepingNation’s – Advisory Group
Scott Hughes – Cofounder
Lowell Eckart – Cofounder
Shawn Budd – Web and Cofounder
Chuck Harris – Club Outreach
Mary Byrnes – Digital/Social Media
Richa Kumari – Web Development
Contact Us
47 Washington Ave. #201
Wheeling, WV 26003